![]() Today was the day of the bus strikes in London. Buses were running, but not as often as I really needed them to considering I was all the way up in Crouch End doing a bit of auditioning and acting this evening. I managed to get there fine no probs, but leaving at 8.30pm proved a bit trickier - no buses for half an hour. 'What to do, what to do,' methought, 'I know, I'll walk to the nearest tube! Google maps says its only 25mins, that's pretty much a 15 minute walk at my pace, it'll be a doddle!' However, 15 mins was really 20 mins, and 20 mins in 1 degree is no fun. No fun at all. My fingers and my toes and my ears and my nose suffer terribly in low temperatures and all I kept thinking as I huffed through the streets of North London was 'I hate the cold, I hate the cold, I hate the cold...' which, fortuitously so it turned out, proved a rather useful jumping off point for this evenings contribution to the 28 Days Later challenge - to write about what you hate. The other specification was to a) write loooong, lingering sentences, and b) write in a style you hate. Now I wouldn't say I hate writing monologues, but I do tend to avoid them. And if I'm totally honest (once my fingers had warmed up) I rather enjoyed having a crack at tonight's play. So much so that COLD has the honour of having my first named character in this series. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you: Gran'ma. Just a heads up, she doesn't like the cold much either... Lx ![]()
Lila Whelan28 Plays Later ArchivesCategories